I still haven’t bought anything to wear to the wedding this Friday. I had vaguely thought about what I might wear, but wasn’t too concerned until my mother started quizzing me with the assumption that I would buy something specifically for the event. She even suggested I spend the gift card she gave me for my birthday on a new outfit for the occasion, under the illusion, one can only assume, that $50 at David Jones would buy more than a sock. I told her I’d already decided to buy a couple of pillows since I’d just realised that I’ve never bought a pillow myself—the ones on my bed were all second-hand ten years ago and by now they are well and truly soaked with drool. In fact I was lucky to get two pillows from David Jones; did you know you can spend $130 on just one pillow? Maybe if I’m creative and cut a few holes for my head and arms from a pillow case (extra-large European size), David Jones can outfit me for my sister’s wedding.
Anyway, I knew it wouldn’t do me much good to think too seriously about any clothes purchases until I got paid. I had done a half-hearted tour of my usual haberdasher in anticipation of a shopping expedition, but for once they disappointed me. I think it’s that the dark colours of winter fashion don’t seem to be appropriate for an afternoon garden wedding. Going back there today, ready to part with some hard-earned cash, my disillusion was confirmed. I want something light and floaty, yet not too hippy-ish, something stylish and reasonably priced, that doesn’t provoke a fat-day when I try it on. They had very nice ‘lounge suits’, one of which I bought for use as a pair of the much needed pyjamas I mentioned a few days back, but unless I go to the wedding as J-Lo... No, I’ve rechecked the wedding invitation, fancy dress is not an option.
I successfully diverted myself from the schmancy clothes dilemma by getting my hair cut. I went to the hairdressing school and signed a form relinquishing the students of any responsibility should they accidentally set fire to me or even give me a bad haircut. Happily, I had a very competent and personable student hairdresser. After she cut my hair, I agreed that she could straighten it. Now, I’ve had my hair blow-dried straight before, but I have these screw-curls on the underneath of my hair that tend to revolt three minutes after I leave the hairdressers. When the threat of the scalding heat of the hairdryers and the pulling torture of curling brushes has abated, my hair usually turns itself up in contempt at my wish for a few hours of manageable, glossy hair. Today, however, the student hairdresser wielded a hair straightener and, seven hours later, my hair is still quivering in fear. I think it may continue to be scared until tomorrow, at least until my sister doesn’t recognise me when she comes to pick me up. My hair is so flat, I don’t even recognise myself. I have the look of Courtney-Cox-Arquette-Jennifer-Aniston-Pitt-after-she-got-the-hair-cut-that-ruined-her-marriage-and-career. It’s not a look I consciously strived for, but until I hit the shower then ‘I’ll be there for you, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo’.
And then it’ll go completely haywire when I tear it out as I resume the search for the wedding outfit.
I have invested in two pairs of gloves, and I tell you, put on a pair of gloves and you are Dressed Up. Also, if you go for the keep it simple principle, you can find reasonably priced, even cheap, gloves. A cream pair that come to the elbows might be the thing for an afternoon wedding.
Not to divert you from the pillow, because yes, you do deserve a new pillow, but that $50 at David Jones would probably get you a decent pair.
I suggest long, full trousers in a fancy fabric. Matched with a nice blouse and some serious jewellry... well, that's what I'd wear. Gets me through most things... Actually, I'm still wearing dresses over trousers because I love the tunic/trousers combination (heck, call me so 5 years ago, I don't care). BUT you can match satiny PJ pants with a proper dress/blouse/tunic and pull off casual-spesh wedding wear. So long as you accessorise appropriately.
And it's autumn: scarves are de rigeur... or is that just in Melbourne? I'm thinking flowy, pretty scarves anyway.
Ooh, gloves. I never thought of them at all. They do sell them in Queensland but I've never owned a pair. I did buy a nice V-neck sweater type thing which has a row of about six buttons on each cuff, which will sort of give me a classy glove effect, won't it? I decided to buy it to go with a very severely wide-box pleated skirt that I already owned.
I bought a new pair of shoes as well (on sale!) to set off the outfit.
I'm not too good at accessorising. I am wearing a pair of sparkly blue stone earrings that were a graduation gift, so they're a bit spesh, but quite minimalist.
I'm probably altogether the wrong person to advise on this cos everyone at my wedding wore much more expensive clothes than I did ($80 sale creamy brocade-y dress from Myer, bought about a month before). :)
Oh no, Tseen, you sound like just the right person to consult, the less fuss the better. I did laugh out loud when I read your comment, you're no friend of the wedding industry are you?
I must admit to being able to rant up a storm when I hear of these brides who maunder about how they can't afford their dream wedding and how their future happiness is forever compromised. GRRRR.
I think, in toto, our wedding cost less than $5K (including honeymoon at Kingfisher Bay, Fraser Island): ceremony was in a friend's rainforesty backyard, reception was at our stalwart family restaurant (where parents know the owners, etc), dress was negligible and S. rented his tux, cousin gave us a wedding present of a night in a Sheraton Towers suite before we left for our honeymoon, mother and aunts did flowers and cake, we made our own invites... :P
All in all, I had a very good time - obligatory noxious relatives aside - and it was exactly as we wanted it.
if you go for the keep it simple principle, you can find reasonably priced, even cheap, gloves. A cream pair that come to the elbows might be the thing for an afternoon wedding.
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