Well, who knew that Gretel Killeen was so reviled? I feel I've learned something from the responses to
my inaugural post over at
Sarsaparilla, a new group blog that considers literature, media and culture from an Australian perspective.

But wait, there's more. Gossip on Gretel, that is, from the folk at Pomona Larvatus Prodeo.
Oh, Galaxy, there's a world of Gretel hating WAAAY beyond anything expressed at Sarsaparilla or LP.
Try the "Behind Big Brother" Forums - http://forum.behindbigbrother.com/
You need to register and log in - I invited myself to a gmail account for this type of thing. If you want Gretel hating (and Gretel loving, and everything in between) that's your place.
I don't think I could hack it. I'm clearly a bit of a petal about these things. Look how easily shocked I've been with the scuffles at the other blogs.
You made me reassess my opinions. I decided I still think Gretel has been doing BB too long (and in that time has become weird-looking in a way that it's entirely legitimate to take note of) but I could probably have expressed myself a bit less sloppily.
As far as becoming inured to blog scuffles is concerned, well, I'm never sure whether that's desirable.
I would like to invite Gretel to a Gastropod day. She's wasting away; a big slice of cake is in order.
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